A new mom and nearly a graduate student.

Eiken Nurcelli
2 min readApr 10, 2022


As a graduate student and a mother, I have certainly felt the weight of my multiple roles and responsibilities, and I would like to highlight some of the challenges.

When I found out I was pregnant at the beginning of September last year, the first thing I did was calculate my due date, and it corresponded exactly with the beginning of the fourth semester of my studies when I had to write my master’s thesis. March 2022.

It’s been a month since I gave birth to my beautiful son on 6 March 2022. Although this is the most beautiful feeling I have ever experienced, I don’t feel I am at peace and am not able to enjoy this time as much as I wanted to. As if I had no time to breathe anymore. Although the time dedicated to my degree is considered part-time by the university, my dedication and commitment remain full-time as I balance full-time caregiving with my coursework. I'm working during naps and on weekends most of the time.

In writing my master’s thesis and as a full-time mom, here’s what I learned:

My first priority is to write regularly- I write whenever I can, for as long as I can. My focus has been a little elusive lately, so I try not to be too hard on myself when I sit down and don’t write anything.

Be kind to me - If I’m feeling tired and stressed, I take some time to rest. I take a nap, take a bath, or plan an outing. I Pursue what gives me pleasure, what fuels my passion.

Let go! — I can’t and won’t be able to do it all, at least not at the same time. My dissertation or that major piece of work, (as well as that bit of cleaning) will get done. Laughter goes a long way in remedying difficult days and negotiating stressful times. If I can’t laugh at the moment, I simply take a deep breath in and on my exhale, let it all go. I can save that laugh for another day.

My baby will grow quickly, and holding him as he falls asleep every once in a while should be considered as much of a success as writing that introduction!

My colleague Fida, who also become a mom recently also wrote a very helpful article on: How to be motivated while having a baby!



Eiken Nurcelli
Eiken Nurcelli

Written by Eiken Nurcelli

#contentstrategy #digitalmarketing #webdesign #puzzle

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